The world is continually changing and for the individuals who detect the interruption and respond, extraordinary riches can be had. Not exclusively is the means by which we pay for things changing, however how new companies raise capital also… Time to respond!
ENS WORLD is an investment platform that operates its own peer to peer crypto lending solution where you can borrow loans using your bitcoins. It runs on the Blockchain technology and is governed by its community.
We deploy the entire loan contract on the Blockchain and execute events on the loan agreement through smart contracts. The Blockchain technology, with its fully transparent and incorruptible transaction ledger, forms the ideal system for managing the loan with its parameters like tenure, interest rate, crypto collateral, etc..
The ENS WORLD platform proposes to enable a loan marketplace with some unique features. The system being proposed will form a forum for lenders and borrowers to check loan and loan request offerings including the loan parameters being offered. Based on their own risk perception ability to repay interest, the lenders and borrowers will “handshake” with each other to create a loan agreement on the Blockchain.
Keeping the competitors in mind and analyzing the market conditions and trends, ENS WORLD has been able to identify 4 key verticals when it comes to the services offered by its Wallet: 1. P2P Lending and Borrowing 2. P2P Crypto Exchange 3. Handpicked ICO Investments 4. Interests through Staking
All of these services will be offered with the help of a Wallet on the platform. Think of the platform as a Bank and the Wallet as a Bank Account. Analogous to the Banking System today, the user can load the Wallet with fiat or crypto currencies and use the funds to avail services in all the 4 verticals mentioned above.
A lender will declare parameters such as the tenure, the rate of interest sought, the maximum amount per loan from his corpus amount etc. The borrower will declare his offered rate of interest, the amount sought, tenure for which the loan is requested.The borrowers and lenders will participate in a loan matching flow much like a stock exchange with buy and sell orders.
The platform will be powered by a wallet that will provide all the necessary features. In this way, a wallet based ecosystem will be created that will function similar to a bank. This will also take away the need for the users to make use of multiple platforms to meet all their crypto related needs by providing them with a consolidated platform that offers all the said features at one place.
At ENS WORLD our mission is to create an open financial system for the world which be decentralized completely and the only one controlling your money will be YOU.
At ENS WORLD, we look forward to bring more innovation, efficiency and generate equal opportunities for everyone in the world by creating an open financial system.